Your project in the spotlight.
Multiple times!
Marketing meets Modern Art.
A living picture of creativity
Interesting projects from all over the world
Level 1:
This picture (in the large form above) is a dynamic mosaic of global projects and people.
About every ¼ second, a new “project” is randomly loaded into one of the 100 continuously changing fields.
All content is usually clickable and leads directly to the advertiser’s registered online presence.
Discover exciting projects from all over the world here.
You find here:
* People: e.g. with Facebook & Linkedin Accounts
* Websites
* Online shops
* Products
* Spotify Accounts
The Marketing Book
100.000+ new contacts
Level 2:
The marketing book also contains all projects and people advertised worldwide, sorted by country and other categories.
You will receive this ebook if you advertise here.
Perhaps you don't have your own project that you can enter here?
Then you could enter yourself or look at the next level.
This ebook will be sent by email to up to 100,000 people (or more) in the first step.
Its content is clickable and you will reach many new interested parties and clicks for which you would have paid a lot of money through conventional media.

The Mega Event
The Holographic Mega Show
Level 3:
I will be creating a special exhibition with the Golden Record Project in a museum or gallery.
This exhibition will have unique holographic features as well as a virtual reality show in which all advertisements will be presented live and in 3D.
In addition, this virtual reality project will also be available online.
Here, too, my content collected and compiled from around the world will be in the foreground and, in the truest sense of the word, in the spotlight.
Here's how to easily participate:
Your participation in this unique overall project:
Online mosaic,
Marketing book,
Holographic VR & 3D show
costs only €149.
(No cost per click or ongoing costs)
After you have ordered, you will receive a link by email that takes you directly to the entry form.
It looks like this: Entry form.
There you can enter your URL, upload an image, choose your categories and tick the boxes to define
which of the 3 areas you want to be involved in.
Even if your topic/area is not included in the first category, please click on “Other” in category 1 and
you will see many more in category 3!
Your entry will be there in just 5 minutes and will then be activated shortly.
Take the chance
to present your project or yourself
on global "stages"!
Increased attention
for your project
If you have your own project (business or hobby), you can also do something very good for your project by participating in the Golden Record Project right now with the Online Mosaic and later with the Marketing Book!
You as part of a holographic mega show
Become part of a holographic VR mega show with a picture of you or the logo of your project or even with your own hologram!.
Your own digital twin
You get your own digital twin: A virtual representation of yourself as an avatar or even as your lifelike hologram!
You can use this both as a company and as a private individual.
An unforgettable experience
f you would like to create an entry in one or all of the previously mentioned areas, you can do so here with just a few clicks for a one-off fee of €149 net.
Do you have any further questions?
The holographic VR (Virtual Reality) Show
The museum project will be a mega event where all of our registered advertisers will be presented on a large holographic stage. Both companies and private individuals, whoever wants to be there.
You will be part of a great project that presents people and projects from all over the world in a futuristic way.
In addition, by participating in the museum project (or without) you can also participate in the following components of the Golden Record Project: Century Book, Marketing Book, Online Art.
You and your company or project will be part of a great project that presents people and projects from all over the world in a futuristic way.
So it is a big stage for you and your company/project. In addition, by participating in the museum project (or without) you can also participate in the following components of the Golden Record Project: Century Book, Marketing Book, Online Art.
Das Projekt physische holographische VR Show in einem Museum oder einer Galerie wird gestartet, sobald ich 200.000 Einträge erreicht habe.
Schon vorab bei 100.000 Einträgen wird die 3D / VR Online Präsenz mit den Einträgen erschaffen.
Participation costs you a one-off fee of €149 net and includes a free entry in the following sections: Century Book, Marketing Book and Online Art (Mosaik).
If you have a video, avatar or hologram created through me, your participation is free of charge if you wish.
Simply order an entry here via the website and then proactively select that you also want to take part in the museum project when you register.
Yes, you can change your entry at any time until the Online VR Museum Project takes place.
The Marketing Book
The Marketing Book will be a Ebook containing pictures of people and projects from all over the world as well as links to the online presences they have registered. Its main aim is to introduce the projects to a new worldwide audience and thus make them better known.
The book will be sent to up to 100.000 people (later more) as an Ebook (PDF) as soon as i have 100,000 paid entries.
And for every additional 100.000 further entries a new version includiung the older entries, so an update, will be created.
Participation costs just €149 net once and also includes a free entry in the following categories: Book of the Century, Marketing Book and Online Art.
If you have me create a video, an avatar or a hologram (see website point: “More Services”), your participation is free if you wish.
Simply order an entry here via the site and then proactively choose to be included in the marketing book when you register.
Yes, you can change the image and link etc. you have entered at any time until the marketing book is created.
The ‘Online Mosaic Art’ area
Online Art on our website is a section that contains clickable images of people and projects from all over the world as well as links to their online presences.
Its main aim is to introduce the projects to a new worldwide audience and thus make them better known directly.
Every ¼ second, a new entry is continuously reloaded at random into the mosaic overview with 100 fields. This means that every entry has the same chance of being shown and clicked on.
The area is continuously active and is a supplement to the mesuem project and the marketing book, which will be created later. The content can be seen here now and immediately.
Participation costs you a one-off fee of €149 net and also includes a free entry in the sections: Museum, Century Book and Marketing Book.
If you have a video, avatar or hologram created through us, your participation is free of charge if you wish.
Simply order an entry here via the site and then proactively select that you also want to be part of the Online Art section when you register.
Yes, you can change the image and link etc. you have entered at any time.
The name is derived from a NASA project in 1977. The 2 Voyager space probes transported a golden record (including playback instructions) into space, which has since been flying (ever further) into the infinite expanses of space.
This record contains a documentation of humanity (pictures of people and, for example, important musical works) for possible extraterrestrial civilizations, if they exist.
The Golden Record Project is also a documentation of humanity and its projects in the current century:
That is why anyone can register here, either individually or with their project and company, for just a one-off fee of €149.
You can also have videos, digital avatars and even lifelike holograms (with your exact appearance and voice) created here!
Our avatars and holograms (I create these with partners) can also be used very impressively and effectively, especially by companies, as described in the “More Services” section on my website.