There are various price models for this project.
The cheapest module for virtually any budget is a one-off entry for € 149 net.

Your entry will appear in one, several or all (as you wish) of these areas:
1. Museum project
2. Century book
3. Marketing book
4. directly on this website in the 100 fields mosaic on the start page, in the online art section and also in the area museum.

The top 3 are linked to a certain number of entries in the overall project, as their realization, which I want to make as optimal and impressive as possible, requires some investment on my part.
If you also register for the above-mentioned point 4. website, your entry can be visible on my website very quickly and permanently.

If you order one of the services listed below, your entry is included in the 4 areas mentioned above.

There are 3 pricing models for the personal video I offer for individuals to preserve your memory, experience and life story for future generations:
1. one-off € 1,499 net.
2. one-off € 2,599 net.
3. one-off € 4,799 net
You can find details about this service here: Your personal video.

If you would like to have one or more avatars or holograms created privately or for your company, I will first discuss your individual ideas in a personal meeting (online meeting or telephone call) or by email.
In addition, I will also inform you of the comprehensive options, which we will then tailor to your needs.
The solutions and prices here are very individual. Please feel free to contact me directly in this regard.

It’s quite simple. Simply order an entry, e.g. here. After successful payment, you will receive an individual link by email that leads directly to the entry form.
You can see how the entry form looks and works here: View entry form.
There you can upload your picture, select your categories and also in which of the 4 areas your entry should appear. If you then click on Enter, your entry is already there, will be briefly checked by me and then, if everything fits, activated. You will be informed by email as soon as your entry is activated.

Yes. You can make as many entries as you like. Please order each entry individually.

The name is derived from a NASA project in 1977. There, the 2 Voyager space probes transported a golden record (including instructions) into space, which have been flying into the infinite vastness of space ever since (they are are still on their way).
This record contains a documentation of humanity (pictures of people and, for example, important musical works) for possible extraterrestrial civilizations.

My project also wants to be a documentation of humanity in the current century:
For this reason, anyone can register themselves or (possibly in addition) with a company or project here. The entries then appear on various media as described in the section: “The art factor”.
You can also create videos and, using the latest technology, a digital twin of yourself as an avatar and even in the form of a life-size hologram (with your exact appearance and voice) for future generations.

These avatars and holograms can also be used very impressively and effectively by companies.

The Golden Record project thus documents current humanity or people and their projects, both on a personal, business and global level, with the aim of preserving them in various forms for as long as possible (centuries) for future generations and at the same time presenting them today in a magnificent, exciting and unique form.




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