If you wish, your ad will be part of a unique virtual reality view on this website at no extra cost!

This VR view will, if I can manage it, look something like the picture here on the right (mobile: below).

I will present it both physically in a gallery / museum and in a VR area on the Golden Record Project website as soon as I have enough entries.

This will certainly be an unforgettable experience for all visitors, both physically and in the online 3D version.

You can easily add this feature to your entry at no extra cost.

*Diese Übersicht oben enthält derzeit auch Affiliate-Links

All entries entered for this will also be shown in the museum/gallery on a large screen in the style of the 100-field view (see here on the left or on mobile: above) and also on several topic-specific displays.

This is in addition to the virtual reality online view of the Golden Record Project.

This is a unique platform that makes you and your project accessible to an even wider audience.

It is a great way to make a lasting impression.

Become part of this event!

Present your company or project with your logo to an enthusiastic audience.

Here's how to easily participate:

Your participation in this unique overall project:
Online mosaic,
Marketing book,
Book of the century,
Holography VR & 3D show
costs only €149.
(No cost per click and no ongoing costs)

After you have ordered, you will receive a link by email that takes you directly to the entry form.
It looks like this: Entry form.
There you can enter your URL, upload an image, choose your categories and tick the boxes to define which of the 4 areas you want to be involved in.

Requirements for the
holographic VR & 3D show

This part of the Golden Record Project will become a reality when:

For the physical version: A museum or gallery is found as a partner for the physical show.

Online Virtual Reality Version:
As soon as I have reached 100,000 entries or earlier.
Physical Version
When I have reached 200,000 entries.

(Because both of these cost a lot and it's supposed to be really cool and impressive)

Especially for companies, online shops, websites, artists, musicians and
all people who want to be an active part of such a mega event, it is certainly a great thing,
both artistically and aesthetically and from a marketing perspective.

If you register for the holographic VR project,
the following features can also be selected at the same time (included in the price):

Marketing Book

Century Book

Online Art Mosaic

Become a visible part of the Golden Record Project!

Book your entry now.

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